Attefall House
Våra tjänster & priser / Attefallshus
Everything you need to build an attic house
To make the process even easier, we at Konstruktionshjälpen offer ready-made templates for attic houses. Choose freely between different options and create your dream house immediately. Continue reading for more about attefallshus, which rules apply and how to get started with construction.
What is a shelter?
Perhaps you dream of an extra bedroom, a practical guest house or a cozy TV room for the children? Attefallshus offers an ideal solution for you who want to maximize your property's potential without having to deal with complicated building permit processes. With an Attefall house, you can easily add up to 30 square meters of living space.
What is a shelter?
Termen “attefallshus” kommer från den svenska bygglagstiftningen och syftar på små, fristående byggnader på en tomt. Attefallshus har som syfte att underlätta för privatpersoner som vill bygga mindre bostadsytor på tomten.
What can a shelter be used for?
Unlike the friggeboden, an attefall house can be furnished as an independent residence that is approved for both leisure and permanent residence. In such cases, it is classified as an accessory dwelling house. In addition, it can be used as an additional building for purposes such as outbuildings, garages, storage rooms, greenhouses, guest cabins, saunas or boathouses.
Attefall houses may not be built in certain locations
In places that are particularly valuable, such as areas of national interest for total defence, airports, training or shooting ranges, it is forbidden to build shelters. This applies regardless of whether it is an additional residential building or an additional building.
If there is an extended permit requirement for detached houses according to the detailed plan, it is not permitted to build either additional residential buildings or additional buildings. To get clarity on the rules for sheltered housing in your specific area, you should contact the building committee in your municipality.
Attefall house on two floors
If a plot is sloping/sutter meadow, it is possible to build a two-storey shelter house. In this case, the height of the building is measured from the roof ridge down to the average ground level. The mean ground level is defined as an imaginary line representing the mean level of twelve points evenly distributed along the building's footprint on the ground.

It is important to remember that there are different methods for calculating the average ground level. Always check the Housing Authority's website to determine which method is best suited for your plot and building.
Example of a drawing for a model house
1. Attefall house with loft - 29 m²
This is a detached house of 29 m² in an elegant design with practical functionality. It has an open and welcoming floor plan that offers generous space for the many everyday activities. Also included is a comfortable kitchen unit and a complete bathroom.
This is also a perfect option for those of you who need a blueprint for a detached house with a loft. The Attefall house is equipped with a loft that adds extra dimension to the home. Every square meter is carefully thought out and the generous patio complements the home with a lovely outdoor environment that invites you to social activities. The Attefallshuset is created to be adaptable and tailored to your personal preferences.

2. Attefallshus med smart planlösning – 29 m²
Det här är ett attefallshus med effektiv planlösning som erbjuder gott om utrymme för vardagslivet, inklusive en bekväm köksdel och ett komplett badrum. Även detta attefallshus har ett loft samt en uteplats som erbjuder gott om utrymme för umgänge soliga dagar. Varje kvadratmeter är noga genomtänkt och såväl kök som tv-rum och badrum får plats på ytan. Attefallshuset kan anpassas och skräddarsys efter dina personliga preferenser.

3. Mindre attefallshus för begränsade ytor – 13 m²
Det här attefallshuset är konstruerat för att kunna erbjuda optimal boendekomfort på 13 m². Med en genomtänkt layout erbjuder denna byggnad en praktisk köksdel, ett separat sovrum och ett badrum med alla bekvämligheter. Genom välplanerade förvaringslösningar och smart användning av varje kvadratmeter skapas ett hem som känns rymligt och funktionellt. Uteplatsen bidrar dessutom till en extra rymd som ökar boendeytan varma sommardagar.
What is good to know before building?Detailed plan and property regulations The first step in your building project is to determine if your property is subject to a detailed plan and to understand its requirements. The detailed plan regulates, among other things, permitted building size, building use, height, number of floors and often distance to property boundaries. New construction map If you plan to build a new residential building, you need a new building map. Remember that there should be undeveloped land to produce one, so be sure to order it well in advance. Beach protection If your planned construction is close to the sea, lakes, rivers, streams or similar bodies of water, you must apply for an exemption from shoreline protection. Separate Sewer If your planned construction project is in an area without municipal water and sewer, you must have a permit to install a separate sewer. Other Permissions In some cases, additional permits may be necessary, for example permits for connection to a public road and/or notification of boreholes for geothermal heating. Read more about this in our blog post: the building permit process: How an application for a building permit works
What do construction terms such as client, contractor, control plan, control manager, new construction map and situation plan mean?Builder The person who plans to build or has someone else build for them, which is most likely you! The developer is responsible for ensuring that the building meets the applicable regulations and technical requirements and that sufficient control is carried out during the construction process. The developer is also responsible for following the terms of the building or demolition permit. Contractor The main contractor is usually the company that carries out the construction. There may also be subcontractors who handle various parts of the project, such as ground and foundation work, electrical installations, plumbing work, painting work and more. Control plan and Control person Every construction project, regardless of size, must have a control plan. In more complex cases that require technical consultation, the control plan usually contains several control points. An inspection plan must clearly state what is to be inspected and against which criteria. Therefore, it is important to have a technical description or construction drawing with instructions for how the construction should be carried out. The inspection manager, often referred to as "KA", helps the client to ensure that the applicable regulations are followed and that the necessary checks are carried out to meet the technical requirements that society places on the construction project. The inspector must be certified and have an independent position in relation to the person performing the work to be inspected, i.e. the contractor. New construction map It shows everything that may be relevant to the processing of the building permit case, including the exact dimensions of the property (plot), the boundaries of the building right according to the detailed plan, existing buildings, elevation curves, any ancient monuments, VA connection points and neighboring streets and more. The new construction map is the basis for the situation plan, which must be attached to the building permit application for new construction. Situation plan The situation plan shows the plot from above with property boundaries and any existing buildings. It must clearly indicate where on the plot a building is to be placed or built. In the case of new construction, the location must be specified with measurements from two adjacent property boundaries.
When do I need a demolition permit?If the building you intend to demolish or dismantle is located within a detailed planned area, you are usually required to apply for a demolition permit. Before starting the demolition or dismantling work, you must obtain this permit. If the building you wish to demolish or dismantle is outside a detailed planned area, it may be necessary to make a notification and obtain a start notice before you start the demolition work. Normally, ordinary supplementary buildings to one- or two-dwelling houses without historical or cultural historical value can be demolished without making a notification.
What is a control plan?An inspection plan is a document you must draw up when a project that is subject to notification to the municipality is to be carried out. These control points help the developer to quality-assure their project and the controller usually handles this document, if a controller is not present in the project, the developer can perform it. Read more about this in our blog post: What is a control plan and when is it needed?
What can I build on the land, if no detailed plan exists in the area?If you live in the countryside, you are usually able to extend your existing house or build an addition without having to apply for planning permission, provided that the addition does not exceed 1/3 of the total building area of the main building and does not exceed 33 square meters.
When do I only have to make a building notification?When you elaborate something that is not subject to a building permit, you may still have to apply for a building notification, see some examples below: Demolition of a building or part of a building that is not an accessory building and is outside an area that is detailed planned. Making changes to a building that significantly affect load-bearing structures or the floor plan. Install or make substantial changes to fireplaces or flues. Install or make substantial changes to elevators or devices for ventilation, as well as water supply and drainage. Make changes to a building that significantly affect fire protection. Maintain a building with special conservation value that is subject to protection regulations according to the detailed plan or area regulations. Build a new wind turbine or make significant changes to an existing one.
What can I build without a building permit and building notification that already has an existing one- or two-dwelling house on the plot?Frigge sheds with a total area of no more than 15 square meters and a height of up to 3 meters from the ground to the roof ridge. Screen roofs with a total area of no more than 15 square meters. A protected patio, wall or plank with a height of 180 cm and extending 3.6 meters out from the main building to protect the patio. Facade changes, such as painting work, replacement of facade cladding or roofing. However, it is important not to change the character of the building or area. If you live in a house or area of particular historical, cultural, environmental or artistic significance, you must apply for planning permission. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need a building permit for an attefallshus complementary dwelling house?No, planning permission is not normally required for an Attefallshus. However, you must register and receive a start notice before starting the construction process. Other conditions include that there must be a one- or two-family house on the property. The building must function as an independent complementary building to the main building and can be used both as a permanent residence and as a holiday home. There are exceptions regarding: If you plan to build near an area of historical, cultural, environmental or artistic value or near an existing residence, planning permission may be necessary. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a conservatory/enclosed patio?Yes, in most cases a building permit is required to build a conservatory/enclosed patio. There are exceptions to this, see below: If the conservatory has a maximum built-up area of 30 square meters and is detached, it may possibly be covered by the rules for Incident Measures. Building area is defined as the external area of the building body. If the conservatory has a maximum gross area of 15 square meters and is connected to the residential building, it may possibly fall under the rules for Incident Measures. Gross area is defined as the external surface of the building body per floor. If you build in two floors with 7.5 square meters per floor, the gross area will be 15 square meters. If you live in an area that does not have a detailed plan and is not part of a cohesive development, you may be able to build up to 1/3 of the building area of the main building, with a maximum area of 33 square meters. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for an optional extension?No, planning permission is usually not required for an extension to your house with a surface area of no more than 15 square metres. However, you must register and receive a start notice before you can begin the construction process. This is the exception: If you are planning an extension to a house or in an area of particular historical, cultural, environmental or artistic importance, planning permission may be necessary. Contact the building permit officer for further information. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a balcony/terrace?Planning permission is not usually required to build a patio or terrace, but this depends on how you plan to build. A patio or terrace that is directly on the ground does not normally require planning permission. Important to note: A balcony or terrace only refers to the actual "floor area" including any railings. If you intend to build in or glass your terrace or patio, different rules apply. A building permit is not required to build a patio or terrace if your project meets the following criteria: There must be an existing one- or two-dwelling house on the plot. The balcony or terrace must be connected to a one- or two-dwelling house or an additional dwelling house. The balcony must not exceed a height of 1.8 metres. The balcony may not extend further than 3.6 meters from the residential building. If the balcony is placed closer to the plot boundary than 4.5 metres, written consent is required from the neighbours. If the plot borders public land, such as a street, park or cycle path, the balcony must not be placed closer than 4.5 meters from that border. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a wall?Yes, in most cases you need to apply for planning permission if you intend to build a wall that is higher than 0.5 metres. Important to note: At exits and street crossings, it is necessary that walls, planks or fences do not exceed a height of 80 centimeters to ensure a clear view. The same applies to hedges. These are exceptions: If you plan to build a wall around a sheltered patio at a one- or two-dwelling house, a building permit is not required. This wall may be a maximum of 1.8 meters and should be located within 3.6 meters of the residential building. If the wall is to be placed closer than 4.5 meters from the plot boundary, written consent is required from the neighbours. If the wall is to be built closer than 4.5 meters to a public place, such as a street, park or cycle path, a building permit is always required. If you live in an area that lacks a detailed plan and is not part of a cohesive development, you can build a wall without applying for planning permission. The wall should be placed directly adjacent to the residential building, for example around an established garden, and at least 4.5 meters from the plot boundary. If the wall is to be placed closer than 4.5 meters from the plot boundary, written consent is required from the neighbours. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a carport?Yes, if the garage or carport is larger than 30 square meters, you normally need to apply for planning permission. These are the exceptions: If the garage or carport is less than 30 square meters, it may be classified as a detached house, accessory building. In that case, you do not need a building permit, but you must make a notification before you can start the building process. If you live in an area that is not master-planned and is not part of an integrated development, you can build a garage or carport that is no more than 1/3 of the building area of the main building, with a maximum area of 33 square meters, without applying for planning permission . Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for additional construction?No, normally no building permit is needed for an Attefallshus. However, it is required that you make a report and receive a start notice before you can start construction. An important prerequisite is that the building is an independent complementary building to the main building, for example a garage, carport, storage room, guest house, wood shed, greenhouse, sauna or boathouse. This is the exception: If you plan to build near a house or in an area of particularly high historical, cultural, environmental or artistic value, planning permission may be necessary. Contact a building permit officer for further information. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a fireplace?No, planning permission is not normally required to install a new stove or fireplace. However, you must register and receive a start notification before the installation can be carried out. You need to register for the following installations: Installation of a new stove or fireplace. Installation of a new chimney or replacement of flue and chimney. Note that the chimney should extend over the ridge and be at least 1 meter above the roof covering. Exchange of a stove for a new one that is not comparable to the previous one in terms of type of fireplace, size and effect. Installation of an insert stove in a fireplace. Replacement of the burner in an existing boiler, for example when changing from an oil burner to a pellet burner or similar. This is the exception: For a chimney that is placed on a building that is considered particularly valuable, planning permission may be required. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a plank/fence?Yes, you normally need to apply for a building permit if you want to build a plank or a fence that is higher than 1.2 meters. Important to know. At exits and street crossings, walls, planks and fences must not be higher than 80 centimeters to ensure a clear view. The same applies to hedges. These are the exceptions: Mesh fences or sparse trellises and pergolas without a tight roof do not require planning permission Trellis that has an airy construction with transparency of at least 80 percent. This means that a maximum of 20 percent of the surface may be made of dense material, such as wood, which cannot be seen through. If you are going to build the plank/fence around a protected patio at a one- or two-dwelling house, no building permit is required. The plank/fence may be a maximum of 1.8 meters high and must be placed within 3.6 meters of the residential building. If the plank/fence is to be placed closer than 4.5 meters from the plot boundary, the neighbors must give written approval. If the plank/fence is to be built closer than 4.5 meters from a public place, for example a street, park or cycle path, a building permit is always required. If you live in an area that is outside the detailed plan and is not part of a cohesive development, you may build a plank/fence without a building permit. The plank/fence must be placed near the residential building, but at least 4.5 meters from the plot boundary. If the plank/fence is to be placed closer than 4.5 meters from the plot boundary, the neighbors must give written approval. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for a canopy?Yes, you normally need planning permission to build a canopy. This is the exception: A building permit is not needed if the canopy is a maximum of 15.0 square meters in size. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
Do I need planning permission for solar cells?No, normally a building permit is not required to install solar cells or solar collectors on the roof of a one- or two-dwelling house. These are the exceptions: If you plan to carry out the installation on a house or in an area of particularly high historical, cultural-historical, environmental or artistic value, planning permission may be required. A building permit is usually required for installations in an apartment building. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
How many days does it take to get construction drawings delivered?For a single-family house, construction drawings can be delivered in 5-10 working days, depending on whether all documentation is submitted.
How long does it take to get building permit drawings delivered?For a single-family house, building permit drawings can be delivered between 3-7 working days, depending on whether all documentation is submitted.
How long does it take to apply for a building permit?When the municipality has received a complete application with all the necessary documents, then they are obliged by law to give you a decision within ten weeks. If it cannot meet this commitment, you are entitled to a reduced fee for planning permission. Processing times are often longer in the spring and early summer because many people apply for building permits before the summer season. A wise strategy is to submit your application well in advance of the planned start of construction. Others have the opportunity to appeal against your granted planning permission within four weeks of receiving the decision. If no one appeals, the building permit becomes legally binding. Read more on our blog post: When is planning permission needed?
How much do construction drawings cost?It is difficult to give an exact price for construction drawings, as the price varies depending on the scope of the project and the need for drawings and calculations. You will receive an exact price when you contact us for a tailored quote. The quote also covers all the drawings and services you need. You can also get a price proposal using our quote estimator. Enter information about your project into the tool and get an instant cost estimate. For us, it is important that you can easily make a well-informed decision and gain financial clarity. We ensure that all drawings are ready in good time before they are reviewed by the Technical Council. Let Konstruktionshjälpen handle your project and solve the complicated aspects of the building permit process for you.
How much do building permit drawings cost?The price can vary depending on who you hire and what kind of project it is, the range can be anything between SEK 3,000-16,000 for a standard detached house. Read more about this in our blog post: What does a building permit cost? Review who you choose to hire, what you will have delivered and the time for delivery. It is important that you choose a consulting company that has insurance and that an agreement is signed similar to ABOK-09. You can also get a price proposal using our quote estimator. Enter information about your project into the tool and get an instant cost estimate. For us, it is important that you can easily make a well-informed decision and gain financial clarity.